
A good Night Sleep

A customized sleep-plan to improve your sleep apnea.


Welcome to Good Night Sleep Devices, the private practice of David F. Urich, DDS.

Dr. Urich is dedicated to provide complete, 100% money back satisfaction to resolve snoring and/or sleep apnea.

Dr. Urich’s business model for Good Night Sleep Devices is totally unique, revolutionary and life changing. Not only for you, but for your loved ones, as well.

Traditionally, you pay a health care provider for similar sleep devices. Regardless of the outcome.

Dr. Urich believes you should not have to pay for a device to cure snoring and/or sleep apnea unless you’re completely, totally, 100% satisfied.

The goal of Good Night Sleep Devices is in our name. Have a good night.


the device

We professionally
manufacture the device on the
spot, saving you considerable time
in follow-up visits

Our fully-customized, FDA-approved apnea/snoring mouthpiece is inspired by the same apnea/snoring mouthpiece that Dr. Urich uses to treat his own Sleep Apnea.

We professionally manufacture the device on the spot.

Saving considerable time in follow-up visits.

Our process


Receive Your
Custom Mouthpiece

Pay a one-time fee with a complete 100% satisfaction.


Take Home and

Dr. Urich will work with you for a minimum of 30 days.


Return for a Full Refund!​

Ready To Get A Good Night's Sleep?

Contact Dr. Urich by email  drurich@urichdental.com, or give our office a call at (858) 350-9977 to get started on receiving your fully customized, FDA approved mouthpiece. We guarantee your satisfaction after 30 days or your money back


Our Process and Fees

Dr. Urich has discovered a new, improved way to make you healthier, your mate happier and your bedroom snore free.

After your initial meeting with Dr. Urich, your personally customized, FDA-approved apnea/snoring device will be professionally manufactured and delivered immediately.

Our initial satisfaction fee is $1950.

Two additional visits are included in this fee.

If you are not completely satisfied after working with Dr. Urich for a minimum of 30 days, you can return the sleep device for a full refund.

If you keep your device, there is $50 adjustment/appointment fee for follow-up visits after the first month.

If you have trouble with your device, contact Dr. Urich immediately. We’re looking forward to making your life healthier, your mate happier and your bedroom “snore-free!”

what we do

what they do

  • Urich custom makes the mouthpiece on patients actual teeth and makes adjustments on the spot, no molds of patients teeth are needed.
  • Urich makes the device in one visit typically under 45 minutes.
  • There is no need to make a new mold to send to a dental laboratory for a new mouth piece to accommodate a second mouthpiece or adjustment, therefore saving patients time and money.

what they do

  • Other offices take molds of your upper and lower teeth. They ship these molds or plaster models of the molds to a dental laboratory (some as far away as China), so the mouthpiece can be made.
  • Other offices take a couple of weeks waiting on the making of the device and requiring the patient to return for a second visit.
  • Adjustments are usually necessary, therefore new molds are needed, along with another visit 2 weeks later.

Dr. Urich has developed a revolutionary method to save you time, money and unnecessary discomfort. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT.